
happy friday

yippee. friday at last. here's a happy, very much cheesy, upbeat, sunny kind of tune to get the day kickstarted. have a super one :)



sheesh. the anticipation was almost too much to handle, but the test results are in. mister yashica has been declared 'working'. super super exciting. here's the very first pic i took with him ♥ i see a beautiful relationship building here :)

happy note

the levis pioneer sessions. levis usa has done something pretty darn cool here. they have 'invited todays musical pioneers to recreate the music that inspired them'. and they make me love them more because here is she and him with their track :D (p.s. you can download the awesome tracks too)

hello cute

some lovely inspiration for this happy thursday morning. tabitha emma is a designer in sydney. she makes very sweet textile things, and draws very nicely too.



wowee it has been a whirlwind day. sheesh. ups and downs but gladly more ups than downs. and now? a purdy picture of a most beayoutiful lady from a very much lovely day. and some wise (and very much appropriate) words from mister seuss...

“be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”



a glorious discovery. this little guy has been sitting on my pop's shelf for a good many years now. the yashica lm twin reflex camera. the cool thing is that it uses the ever-available 120 film. wowee. i am so excited to load him up and see if he works. hold thumbs kids. *eeeep*


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