this informational brochure is a design by changzhi lee. its purpose? to raise awareness about the effects of global warming. and it quite beautifully demonstrates its cause. it forms an iceberg, complete with little polar bears. but as you unfold it to reveal the information, the iceberg melts and leaves the bears swimming for their lives. all the mundane hoohaa about global warming we are flooded with has become a sort of white noise today. a simple and alluring design like this really makes you stop and think about your own footprint.
these harajuku lovers fragrances are divine. ok ok they've been around for a little while now, but i recently got one as a gift and i just adore it. the concept (yes there is one) behind them is pretty cool too. the word harajuku comes from a style or attitude displayed by girls from harajuku, tokyo. anything goes. outrageous. layered. eye-catching. the five dolls in the series represent gwen and her four back up dancers - love, angel, music and baby. also the title of her album. each fragrance offers something different. the range has done so well that an entire harajuku lovers clothing brand and even limited edition harajuku lovers 'snow' fragrances (the girls are dressed for the winter cold) are available. adorable.
in 2008, polaroid made the awful decision to sell out and stop producing analogue cameras and instant film all together. this equals crap. i've always loved the idea of having an old-school polaroid camera. but what film is left, is running out and hard to find, especially in sunny south africa. i recently came along this website, 'the impossible project', and have had the sweet taste of hope for the future of instant film. yep i said future. the project is a huge undertaking to not only re-establish the instant film production line, but to improve on it. the following and support is overwhelming. how exciting. guess i will be saving up and hunting for that vintage number after all. all i can say is, bad move polaroid. bad move.
francoise nielly. these are some of her glorious works. to state the pretty much obvious, she paints these massive masterpieces with oil and a palate knife. the hard-edged technique she uses, combined with an array of delicious colour gives her work such vibrant, sexual, exuberant energy. stunning.
when asked why he did it, his first response was "there is no why". philippe petit. nutter. artist. frenchman. need i say more? i recently saw the doccy 'man on wire' and aside from the constant nausea i was absolutely fascinated. on the 7th of august 1974 he walked - or rather performed- on a wire rigged between the tops of the twin towers. 110 floors. 415m high. for over 45 minutes. lets be honest - heights are not my strong point. i get woozy just knowing i am 5 floors up. why the mention? well the movie was charming to say the least. beautifully told. captivating. you cant help but love this man. these photos featured in the film. magical.
there is something really interesting and captivating about a blurred photo. something about it just puts it in-between. you cant seem to make out the exactness of the image. and i guess its that feeling of being both in and in-between moments simultaneously that is so romantic. here are some hazy holga snaps of mine. ones that i absolutely adore.
thought this was a novel idea. made by dr wow lab. it looks mighty tempting, but unfortunately - or would that be fortunately? probably fortunately - its not edible. It is a "chocolate" (actually wax) magnet. what is particularly nice about it is that it can be broken up like a real slab, and used to suit your requirements. pretty cute.
"she portrays a specific place and time with simultaneous empathy and detachment." alyssa monks. no, not a photographer. a painter. amazing photo-realistic stuff. although i think her subject adds to the magic of her pieces. beautiful bare flesh.
meet the f430. wait im sure by now you've met. meet the f430. in matt black. i saw this on the streets of cape town last week. what a stunner. its even better up close and in person. i remember ducatti did this quite a few years back. all i can say is *what took them so long*.
sia. what a voice. really enjoying her new album. "soon we'll be found". this music video is quite captivating. directed by claire carre. they tell the story through 'dramatic sign language'. sia: "...a beautiful, emotive dance. but the real beauty is that, hidden in these perfect shapes, is communication." being such a great tune, and being expressed so beautifully through sign language, it really makes you appreciate being able to hear it. not so?
chris harding of shynola. coldplay's video for strawberry swing. a friend pointed me in the direction of this. really enjoyed it. all of the chalk is hand drawn. must have been a pretty long shoot. think the results are really cool though.
this is a pretty cool idea. apparently by installing this system in your bar/restaurant you save money. and waste less. pretty interesting. saves fighting over cleavage to grab some attention at the bar. or waiting for that ditzy waitress. and you calculate what you spend per ml. i think a lot of draught fans will love this one. beer finished? just lean over and fill her up again. hey presto. happiness.
pes. if you don't know of him, its time. amazing stop frame animation. utterly awesome. this guy is good! this one won an honorable mention at sundance this year.
was shown this poster series that won at canne. mccann worldgroup hong kong. pretty good. visually appealing. but the thought here is fantastic. only 350 were made. each is different. they were handmade by nike basketball league players - each colour and silkscreen represents a player. and the result? "a paper battlefield."
its plastic. 90 something percent. and its awesome. the holga is a lomo. a low tech, very basic camera made in the early 1980's. it's temperamental. it's moody. it's brilliant. but that's not why i love and appreciate it. nor is it because of the amazing vignetting and unpredictable light leaks that caress your photos. it's what holga stands for. well, for me at least. it means looking before you shoot. but not planning. not knowing if your film will come out - or how. appreciating the moment of the shot rather than the image itself. not expecting. never asking anything of it. loving the gifts it sometimes gives. and most of all, letting loose. having fun. getting a bit frustrated. then letting go again. h is for happy snaps. small, personal triumphs. here are some of mine.
first blog. woop woop. ok nuff of that. lets get going then. was working on some stop frame animation this weekend and found this awesome video. love the thought here. treatment is super too. It took us two days to photograph 30" worth of animation. holycrap how long would it have taken these guys?!